
the artist

"we will discover the nature of our particular genius when we stop trying to conform to our own or other peoples' models, learn to be ourselves, and allow our natural channel to open"
-Shakti Gawain-

I came across this quote in a book I've had for a while called The Artist's Way.  I've never had the chance to follow it all the way through but thats my next mission.  (also: I highly recommend it for any creative human, or any human for that matter)  I find myself constantly measuring my path in life up against this imaginary ruler that has all the details and steps of success and life marked on it.  Especially studying fashion design in school, there was this set of criteria it seemed that was drilled into us.  You knew if you strayed from the path, you were screwed.  There's even a set of criteria that society sets for us, whether we like it or not.  People are shocked when I tell them my boyfriend and I have been dating for 7 years and aren't married yet, and then that we're in no rush to get married.  
But what I've learned (and what I love) about today and our generation, annnnnd this great city of LA...is that it there is no model thats as good as the one you create yourself.  We're so lucky to grow up in a time where our generation is finally starting to catch on.  
So...I'll be in LA, chillin' on my sunny balcony and keeping an open mind as to how my 'particular genius' in life is going to come to fruition.  Cheers, to living that artist life.

P.S.  My boyfriend and I got really motivated one weekend and made the coffee table featured above.  It really was so simple, pretty much followed this articles advice to a T, and everything was groovy

1 comment

  1. Nice space!!!! love it so warm and cozy and inspiring!


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